Requirements Management


Requirement management is the process of identifying, documenting, organizing, prioritizing, and tracking the needs and expectations of stakeholders for a particular product or project.

Dokumatic's R2MS © solution is an AI-supported sophisticated tool for easy generation and processing of requirements from various sources such as customer requirements, regulations, QA and other stakeholders in challenging projects. R2MS is based on a structured database with experience and criteria manly for the high demands of passenger transport systems. The risk assessment (FMECA) is seamlessly integrated in the tool, thus accompanying the development and implementation of demanding projects and continuously completing the requirements list in the course of the projects. 

R2MS is constantly developing in line with customer requirements, which leads to a continuous increase in efficiency and thus provides sustainable support for project security and cost reduction.

RMS will allow you...
  • to handle all requirements without redundancy or lack of items,

  • to include the requirements listed in international codes and regulations which may apply to your project,

  • to work in an intuitive way within your individual project environment. RMS will need nothing else than an internet connection and a browser,

  • to demonstrate bodies and authorities that you have processed your project requirements according to the applicable codes and regulations.